About UpRaw

The unacceptable face of capitalism….our brands are the antithesis of the Phillip Green’s of the world. it is possible to be in business and do good business with the right people behind a brand.
UpRaw Reviews is a space to showcase companies, brands and businesses with strong corporate & social responsibility agendas, companies that enable and promote fair and ethical trading.

Our aim is to spotlight these companies, meet the the people behind the scenes, and ask, ‘what makes you tick’.

We give you:

Better options and alternatives to big brands

Profiles of brands, businesses, products and services that uphold good business practices


UpRaw was a nutrition bar created by us for our alpine climbing and generally active lifestyle pursuits.

UpRaw is a play on words, inviting us to get back in touch with our primal selves. To live life in the raw.

When climbing, I wanted not just the best energy response from a bar, but also the best, healthiest ingredients and nutritional value. The other nutrition bars out there were marketed as healthy but just didn’t stack up, especially in terms of their sugar content!

From UpRaw the bar, came UpRaw the idea: a way to promote and develop a better, fairer society, highlighting great people doing great business, reviewing brands, products and services which are UpRaw friendly, offering alternatives to the big ‘Panama Papers’ corporations, a networking hub for like minded people to share ideas and expertise.
We hope find UpRaw Reviews interesting and useful.
Please feel free to get in touch with suggestions or just to say hey.